Central St. Matthew Sunday Services

What Can I Expect When I Visit?

When you join us for 10:00 AM Sunday morning worship at our 1333 South Carrollton Ave campus, you enter through the double doors to the right of the sanctuary. If you need ramp or ground level access, you may enter through the courtyard off Willow Street or further down the sidewalk through the fence gate.

What To Wear?

You’ll see folks wearing suits and shorts, hats (“Crowns”) and button downs. What’s your “Sunday Best”?  Members of our congregation come from all walks of life and you can see it in the way we dress. We believe that God cares more about the state of our hearts than the state of our attire, and encourage you to dress the way that feels most appropriate to you.


Our worship service is a blend of contemporary and traditional liturgy and music. Our choir sings classical anthems and spirituals.

Our hymns come from four different hymnals, reflecting the blending of our traditions: The Hymnal (Evangelical & Reformed Church), The African American Heritage Hymnal, The Faith We Sing, and the UCC’s New Century Hymnal. 

Free Will Offering

Following the sermon, we share our gifts through the offering. This free will offering, or “Open Plate,” is an expression of gratitude and support for the work of the church. Sometimes offerings will go toward specific funds or causes. Most Sundays, the offering goes toward our general funds, which include expenses such as mission and outreach, personnel, buildings and grounds, education, music – – all of the myriad things that keep our doors open and fulfill the mission and ministry of this church.


Communion is served on the first and third Sunday of the month. On the first Sunday, deacons serve the elements (bread and juice or wine) to the congregation sitting in the pews (seats.) This is accompanied by a more traditional, or “high” liturgy. On the third Sunday, communion is served at the altar by intinction – – AKA “Rip and Dip” – – where you come forward and take a piece of bread and dip it into the cup.

Anyone who seeks to know Christ is welcome at our communion table.

Children are invited to take communion at the family’s discretion. Nothing and no one should keep you from sharing in the blessing of this sacrament.

Circle of Fellowship

At the close of the service, we form a Circle of Fellowship around the sanctuary and join in singing “Bind Us Together.” This is a very moving tradition that testifies to the ongoing unification of our congregation.

You are invited to join us in the lobby following the service for refreshments and conversation.

What About the Kids?

Children have a few options here, depending on their age. First, children are welcome to remain in the sanctuary for the duration of the service.

A Children’s Message is delivered early in the service, and children 3 and older are then invited to go to our Sunday School class. 

There is a play room on the second floor of the sanctuary from which the service can be heard and seen.  Parents are welcome to take their children to that room if they wish to give them a place to play as you observe the service.

Come Visit us This Weekend