Music at Central St. Matthew UCC
Our worship service is a blend of
contemporary and traditional liturgy and music.
Central St. Matthew’s music program is varied and a integral part of our Sunday services. Our choir sings music styles that range from traditional to contemporary and from classical to African American spirituals.
Our hymns come from four different hymnals, reflecting the blending of our traditions: The Hymnal (Evangelical & Reformed Church), The African American Heritage Hymnal, The Faith We Sing, and the UCC’s New Century Hymnal.
Central St. Matthew’s music program is varied and a integral part of our Sunday services. Music styles range from traditional to contemporary and from classical to African American spirituals.
Central St. Matthew’s music program is led by Steven Edwards, who has been serving as the Minister of Music at CSM since 2014.
Steven is also Professor of Music, Coordinator of the Music & Music Business Program at Delgado Community College. He has been Music Director of the Symphony Chorus of New Orleans since August of 1990. Under his direction the chorus has enjoyed critical acclaim and garnered numerous awards for the quality and variety of its performances. He also received Climate Reality Corps training from Vice President Al Gore in Chicago, July 2013. Steven is married to string teacher and performer Marta Jurjevich. They have five wonderful children and a dog.
From September through June choir practices are held from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. All are welcome to join us with their voice or instrumental talent in our offerings to the worship service.
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I’m found…..
Was blind, but now I see!